BlackRock Success Story: Owns the World Case Study of Largest Asset Management Company

BlackRock Success Story

BlackRock Success Story

Company Profile is an initiative by ListMyStartUp to publish verified information on different startups and organizations. The content in this post has been approved by BlackRock.

Differentiate is a term used frequently in the corporate sector. Be one of a kind. Set yourself distinct from the crowd. The difficulty is that most businesses have no idea what it entails or how to execute it well.

BlackRock has reached its pinnacle in the asset management field by implementing effective differentiating strategies. It has risen to prominence by distinguishing itself from the competition.

BlackRock - Company Highlights

  • Startup Name-BlackRock
  • Headquarters-New York, United States
  • Industry-Financial Services, Asset Management
  • Founders-Larry Fink, Robert S. Kapito, Susan Wagner, Barbara Novick, Ben Golub, Hugh Frater, Ralph Schlosstein, and Keith Anderson
  • Founded -1988
  • Revenue-$19.1 billion
  • Number of Employees-18,700

BlackRock, Inc. is global asset management, risk mitigation, and advising firm that works with both retail and corporate clients. Single and multi-asset type baskets that invest in stocks, fixed income, options, and money market funds are among the company's offerings.

The firm is organized into a single corporate unit. Financial advisory and admin costs make up the majority of the company's income. Aperio, a customized indexing company, was bought by BlackRock for $1.05 billion on Feb 1, 2021.

BlackRock, a fund management corporation with $9 trillion in Assets Under Management, employs 16,000+ individuals in 70 branches over 30 nations. BlackRock owns stock in 4973 companies. Some largest investment of BlackRock are::

  • Apple
  • Microsoft
  • Intel
  • Amazon
  • Facebook
  • Tesla
  • Exxon Mobile
  • Nike

BlackRock - Larry Fink
BlackRock CEO 

Fink is widely regarded as one of today's most prominent financial figures. His origins are far more modest. His dad had a shoe store, while his mum taught English. Fink graduated from the University of California with a BA in political science and an MBA in real estate.

He got his start on Wall Street at the age of 24. He was yet another lad from LA with jewelry and long hair seeking to make a mark for himself at the heart of global finance at the time. With a pay scale of $20,000, he joined First Boston. His hard work was immediately recognized by managers, and he was groomed to become CEO. Fink would work long shifts on a Monroe calculator, it was the only equipment available on the trading floor at the time.

He was appointed head of generating and creating mortgage-backed securities 3 years after joining First Boston. Fink was boosting first Boston's revenue by $1,000,000. On Wall Street, he was revered as a god. He was involved in some of the most significant transactions, including a $4.6 billion securitization of GMC auto loans. He was the youngest chief executive at the age of 27.

By 1983, trading desks all around the United States had computers. This was the first time computers were used to create numbers for calculations. It was still in its infancy while being extremely rapid and convenient. Something horrible occurs after 3 years of computer usage.

The First Boston blunder

The finance team made a miscalculation in the Q2 of 1986. The dept. predicted that interest rates would soar, but the reverse happened. Larry Fink was the guy in command when First Boston lost $100 million of their client's funds. Fink went from leader to troll in less than a day.

Everybody noticed the error. Fink was let go. He guffawed in embarrassment. Worse, it wasn't even his fault. His estimates were based on data from the backend, but they didn't come out as predicted due to a technical glitch.

Fink was stumped. He couldn't stop thinking about the fortune he'd lost. No one was aware of the dangers. The computer systems were not up to par.

Fink devised a strategy after determining what went wrong. No one expected him to rise from the ashes to build the world's largest management organization. His buddies claim that he felt compelled to redeem himself and show that he was capable.

BlackRock - Startup story

In 1988, 8 peers - Larry Fink, Susan Wagner, Robert S. Kapito, Barbara Novick, Ralph Sclosstein, Hugh R. Frater, Ben Golub, and Keith Anderson with experience in mortgage-backed assets formed Black Rock in one room. With a $5 million bank loan, they were able to handle assets that were good for clients.

The FDIC was one of his initial clients. The industry was on the edge of collapse due to certain bad decisions made by S&L until their settlement trust organization was founded. Fink's BlackRock was recruited by the FDIC to oversee S&L's holdings after the govt took control.

However, BlackRock was developing a Fink-versioned tech. Aladdin was the name for the tech. BlackRock had $9 billion in AUM by 1991. They had $17 billion in 1992 and $53 billion in 1994.

The next year, Peabody, a kindler, went bankrupt. Fink was called in by GE, which owns Peabody, to assist in the liquidation of Kindler's $7 billion mortgage-backed securities portfolio.

PNC Financial Services Group paid $240 m in 1995 for a stake in BlackRock Financial Management. Some argued that the step was pointless at the moment as BlackRock was only offering a chunk of its company.

Fink, on the other hand, was well aware that he was about to go on a difficult ascent. With the impending offer, BlackRock was about to redefine all of it. The relationship with PNC allowed BlackRock a stream of retail clients to augment its institutional clientele, which still constituted around 80% of his AUM in the 90s.

BlackRock - Vision and Mission

They aim to assist more individuals to achieve financial stability. They also commit themselves to preserving and developing the worth of our client's assets as fiduciaries.

Their goal is to help their clients build a brighter financial life.

BlackRock - Tagline and Logo

Their tagline is, “Investing for a new world.”

BlackRock - Aladdin

BlackRock unveiled a risk-evaluation and risk-management system including 5000 computers that work 24/7 and are monitored by a group of engineers, mathematicians, and developers. The BlackRock software could track millions of daily deals and analyze each asset in his clients' stock holdings to understand how they might be influenced by even slight economic developments.

Aladdin is a name for this system. The technology was actively scouring the markets for anything that may go bad, and it'd form the basis for a second firm that would extend BlackRock's scope beyond asset management into the realm of client advice. Aladdin now oversees a total of $21 trillion in assets and growing.

BlackRock - Worst IPO

With a diversified portfolio In 1999, BlackRock became a publicly-traded company. However, people remained dubious of their latest tech. BlackRock had the month's worst IPO. As the time passed, the market realized that, despite having the cheapest shares, BlackRock was keeping its commitments to investors. Fink opted to leverage the strength of acquisitions over 16 years of sustained growth. BlackRock had operations in Sydney, Singapore, London, and Munich before the end of the year.

Fink was on a flight to Singapore in 2008. Lehman Brothers had gone bankrupt back home. The following morning, Fink traveled back to the USA. The financial industry had shifted and was in peril. He'd call politicians and warn them, "The shit is hitting the fan, you've got to do something." Fink was chosen by the Federal Reserve Board of Nyc to oversee a $30 billion portfolio of Bear Stearns assets during the economic meltdown of 2008.

Fink because the bank failed to examine their investments, and Aladdin was used by investors, banks, and the Treasury. When the market was falling apart, Aladdin was on the climb and continued to expand by acquiring more clientele, becoming the go-to place amid economic turmoil.

Fink, the humiliated guy, had arrived to save the country from an economic disaster. The buying frenzy continued after this. In 2009, BlackRock purchased eFront for $1.3 billion, and in 2009, it bought Barclays Global Investors for $13.5 billion. BlackRock became the nation’s top asset manager as a result of this acquisition.

Fink immediately realized the advantages of tech when it was correctly used. For 14 years in a row, he was recognized as one of the world's finest CEOs. Today, a man who was dismissed is now the most powerful figure in finance.

BlackRock - Business Model

BlackRock serves a wide community of retail and corporate investors with a mix of financial advice, portfolio management, and other solutions. The following are 3 major groups into which the Firm divides its clientele:

Official Entities, such as Federal reserve, Treasuries, supranational, and other Govt agencies; Taxable Entities, such as health insurers, Investment firms, firms, and Third-party fund backers, and Small investors;

Tax-Exempt Entities, such as specified gain and specified contribution retirement plans, NGOs, establishments, and inheritances.

BlackRock doesn't quite reveal the details of its users on its portal or in its annual report due to the confidential and safe aspect of the Firm's operations.

Having operations in over 30 nations and clients in over 100 nations, BlackRock caters to a worldwide clientele. America, APAC, and Europe, Middle East, and Africa are the multiple geopolitical zones in which the Firm separates its users. America accounts for the majority of the Firm's revenue.

Value Propositions

Clients benefit from BlackRock in the distinct manners:

  • It's brand and repute, with the Firm having formed itself as one of the nation's top asset management and financial advising firms, with stellar credibility for offering great solutions and consistent profits to its clients;
  • Its service line, includes single and multi-asset class pools that trade in equities, fixed income, options, and money market instruments.
  • Its global impact, with the Firm running a global network of offices helping people in over 100 nations all over America, APAC (Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation), Europe, the Middle East, and Africa;
  • Its availability, to facilitate direct guidance that is backed by multiple internet portals, such as its virtual BlackRock Solutions portal;
  • Its sector competence, with the Firm hiring highly-trained, skilled money managers, and other specialty finance experts, all of whom are overseen by a group of industry experts.

Channels is the company's website, where it offers data about its numerous investment vehicles, tools, and venues. Consumers can use a variety of tools and gain tailored services for their specific financial goals through the Firm's site, along with the BlackRock Solutions portal and the iShares portal, which lets consumers handle their assets through ETFs.

BlackRock's clients are generally served by an in-house group of qualified portfolio managers and other financial experts spread across the Firm's segment operating areas. These employees serve out of the Office premises in Atlanta, London, Madrid, Tokyo, Sydney, and Hong Kong, which span America, APAC, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

BlackRock also serves consumers through a chain of approved middlemen, banks, thrift institutions, Health insurers, and Freelance experts serving the Firm's retail investors. Third-party financial and perhaps other firms are included in this category over three of the Firm's operating zones.

Customer Relationships

Customers can self-serve a multitude of choices and information through BlackRock's virtual BlackRock Solutions and iShares portals. Clients can use these digital platforms to track their assets, manage, and locate effective responses without having to deal with the Firm's financial advice staff.

BlackRock's clients are primarily served by a devoted team of financial advisors located throughout the firm's many operational jurisdictions. These advisers meet with clients one-on-one to create a strong rapport and completely understand their unique needs, tastes, and limits. As a result, the Firm can serve customers that are personalized to each client.

Clients enjoy undying support from BlackRock, including frequent releases on the status of their investments. The Firm's biggest clients are assigned their account managers, who can function as a vital link for questions and problems. Clients can also call the Firm's main office directly, using the contact info provided on the portal.

Users can also track BlackRock's operations on its many social media sites, such as Fb, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and connect with the firm.

Key Activities

BlackRock gives retail and corporate clients a vast scope of portfolio and risk mitigation solutions in over 100 countries including the USA, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The firm offers single and multi-asset class baskets that buy stocks, fixed income, options, and money market funds.

BlackRock primarily serves clients through a wide community of specialized investment managers and other finance experts, but it also works through a mix of finance middlemen, such as wealth managers, Banks, Health insurers, Trust firms, and freelance money managers.

Certain about the Company's services, such as its BlackRock Solutions site and its iShares ETF offerings, is also accessible on the internet. BlackRock also provides risk analysis and risk mitigation advising solutions through the Green Package.

Key Partners

To offer financial advice to its global clientele proficiently, BlackRock collaborates with a range of affiliate corporates. The different sets are used to categorize these partners:

Supplier and Vendor Partners, which include vendors of multiple activities, products, and systems that enable the Firm’s core investing activities, as well as firms to whom key quasi tasks can be outsourced;

Channel and Distribution Partners, which are the Firm's chain of intermediaries, such as banks, wealth managers, health insurers, and trust entities, who offer an array of programs and options on the Company's part;

Social and Community Allies, which include a series of non-profits and philanthropic NGOs with which the Firm operates on community initiatives all across the globe;

Tech Experts, which include a variety of technology, software, hardware, and integrations affiliates who help the Firm establish and manage robust IT systems and collaborate on diverse tech products; and

Tactical & Allied Members, which include market-leading firms from a multitude of sectors that collaborate with the Firm on promotional initiatives.

Several strategic alliances have been formed by BlackRock. A distribution relationship with Artivest to give wider exposure and quick access to its investible methods, a technological deal with Hazeltree LiquidityWeb to automate cash flows, and a trade alliance with Fidelity Investments are among the partnerships.

Key Resources

IP, Web portals, IT and Telecoms, A chain of sales and support centers, A web of middlemen, Alliances, and Staff are among BlackRock's most valuable assets.

As part of its mission, BlackRock holds or leases a variety of intangible assets. BlackRock was called as a claimant or assignee in a lot of patents filed by the US Patent office, such as applications labeled "Investment funds allowing a bond rating scale tactic," "Framework and tactic for credit risk management for investments," and "Structure and process for handling credit risk for investment portfolios."

BlackRock has a range of tangible assets across the globe that are important to the operations that it holds or rents. Its global web of operations, which has sites in Seattle, Singapore, Sydney, and Taipei, spans the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

Cost Structure

The growth of BlackRock's IP rights and web platforms, the upkeep of its IT and telecom networks, the sourcing of expertise, the function of its sales and support system, the application of promotional initiatives, the monitoring of its alliances, and the loyalty of its staff are all costs.  

In 2015, BlackRock incurred $4.01 billion in net staff rewards and recognition costs, as well as $409 million in delivery and support charges. The Firm's overall administration expenses this year were $1.38 billion, with $280 m in rental charges and $365 million in promotional fees.

BlackRock - Revenue Streams

BlackRock makes money by offering a variety of portfolio advising and asset management assistance. Portfolio advising costs, admin costs, asset-backed income, and efficiency charges all contribute to the overall revenue.

In 2015, BlackRock earned $11.40 billion in sales, a little increase over the $11.08 billion earned last year. Investing advising, administrative fees, and asset-backed revenue accounted for the majority of the overall value, which reached $9.84 billion for the year.

The firm earned $621 million in financial advice performance fees and $646 million in sales from its BlackRock Solutions and consulting firms.

BlackRock - Competitors

  • Fidelity Investments - BlackRock's main competitor is Fidelity Investments. Boston, Massachusetts-based Fidelity Investments was formed in 1946. Fidelity Investments is a company that works in the Investment Banking and Broking sector. In comparison to BlackRock, it employs 23,600 people.
  • Franklin Templeton - One of BlackRock's main rivals is Franklin Templeton. In 1947, It was created in San Mateo, California as a public entity. The Investment Banking & Broking sector is where it competes. Compared to BlackRock, it has 4,300 fewer staff.
  • Carlyle's - Carlyle is BlackRock's third-largest competitor. It was created in 1987 in Washington, D.C. It works in the Asset & Fund Management sector. It earns $11.9 billion less than BlackRock.


BlackRock has evolved from a small startup to a global conglomerate. This market giant invests in experimenting in all areas, and as a result, it owns shares and voting rights in several of Europe's largest firms, including those in energy, oil and gas, and, of course, banking.

The firm invests in the govt and central banks, issues public bonds, owns real estate, and serves as an auditor and mentor in addition to being a bondholder.

You read that correctly. Blackrock has grown so successfully and is so trustworthy that sometimes the govt requests its assistance.


Who is the CEO of BlackRock?

Larry Fink is one of the founders and the current CEO of BlackRock.

Who are the competitors of BlackRock?

BlackRock's top competitors include:

  • Charles Schwab
  • TD Ameritrade
  • Edward Jones
  • MSCI
  • Legg Mason
  • Vanguard
  • T.Rowe Price
  • State Street

When was BlackRock founded?

BlackRock was founded in 1988 in New York, United States.

Who is the founder of BlackRock?

BlackRock has been founded by 7 Co-founders. Larry Fink, Susan Wagner, Robert S. Kapito, Barbara Novick, Ralph Sclosstein, Hugh R. Frater, Ben Golub, and Keith Anderson are the founders of BlackRock.

Is BlackRock the richest company in the world?

BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager. As of January 2022, it owns assets worth $10 trillion under management.

Has BlackRock ownership in Tesla?

BlackRock has 5.3% ownership in Tesla.

What is the largest investment of BlackRock?

The largest investments of BlackRock include Apple Inc and Microsoft, together worth $341 billion.